Keyana Williams, aka Coach Key, is a global business and lifestyle coach. She is also the founder of Keyana & Co University. A platform created to assist individuals in navigating and sustaining their purpose and living successful lifestyles. As a child of God, mother, serial entrepreneur and motivational speaker, Coach Key's past experiences gives her the ability to speak confidently about topics she is passionate about. Alluding to her turning "Pain into Purpose."
Meet your coach
My Story
Coach Key was born with a burning desire to succeed in life. Unfortunately, life did not start that way. Born to a mother addicted to drugs, being the oldest child, getting pregnant at an early age- had all the odds stacked against her for failure, but God.
As the oldest, the responsibility for survival lay heavily on her shoulders. Not to mention becoming a mother to her child required a vision beyond the current circumstances. Being a natural leader, hustling came easy to Keyana; being in the streets hustling and learning that nothing in life comes without sacrifice. At the cross of the late nights and early mornings, that "passion" began to burn. Not allowing life circumstances, challenges, or tribulations to be her excuse, the hard work begins. Keyana becomes the version she did not see in her life. Believing in herself, making sacrifices, and most importantly, putting God first, the pieces began to come together. It was NOT easy, but Keyana's desire for greatness propelled her forward at each step of the journey. That journey leads Keyana to college.
SHE DECIDED TO MAKE A CHANGE; SHE TOOK CONTROL OF HER FINANCES and went back to school, earning her bachelor's degree in business administration. Here before you now is the educated, self-disciplined, grace recipient, lifestyle and business mentor Coach Key.